In 2017 we provided a feasibility study and review of the existing Rye Art Center in Rye, New York.

This art center was housed in a converted barn which had been modified over the years but ultimately had become too small for the organization’s needs. The building was also owned by the City of Rye for expansions, and conversions were limited.

In 2020, a generous donor was able to purchase the adjacent property and offered it to the Rye Art Center. The one caviat is that the art center could have the property for free but would need to raise funds for the new building.

It was our role to review the new property and assist with developing a program for the new building but also develop a budget that was attainable for the art center’s fundraising team. The new property was a residential zoned lot which would ultimately need to be converted to a communal use and re-zoned.

We presented a number of options and designs for the boards review and approval. These designs ranged from contextual to conceptual in character. Ultimately the art center selected a design that would relate to the existing residential style of the neighborhood.